
welcome to the jungle

My second attempt to create a new canopy for my bugaboo was much more successful. I started by refining the pattern. Finally,  I am fully satisfied with it. I also used a lovely and eye-catching "Djungel" fabric from JNYdesign. The result has exceeded my expectations.

: pattern: my own.

: fabrics: "Djungel" interlock from JNYDesign, lime green wind- and waterproof beaver nylon from Stoff och Stil and a yellow ribbon.


  1. Aga I'm impressed and proud:) it took my breath away really:) you're awesome like always!!! Kasia

  2. Hej!

    Syr du suffletter till bubagoo bee+ också? Kontakta mig på dg89_@hotmail.com, eller daniella goretti på facebook, eller blogg daniellagoretti.blogg.se
